One week to go!

This is happening. It still feels surreal. My house is a mountain of packing paper and boxes. I’m discovering weird food combinations as I’m trying to clean out my kitchen (what else can I use wasabi on…?). I have occasional moments of panic as I wonder what I might be forgetting.

But it’s happening!

I purchased my ticket to the Philippines, leaving September 11. I’ve had my bags packed for weeks. This is a shocking amount of planning ahead for me and a surprisingly nice sensation.

I’ve been scouring blogs to get packing lists and tips on what not to bring. The real round the world experts can travel with only a backpack. I hope to graduate to that level next round, but I’m at one backpack and one carry-on suitcase right now. If you come visit me, don’t be surprised if I ask to borrow some of your clothes, just to mix things up a bit.

It’s fascinating to see, “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also,” equated in boxes. I have so, so many books. And so, so much kitchen stuff. And 12 bins of Christmas decorations.

Packing up your life is an interesting trip to your past. I am constantly remembering where I was and why I purchased a certain thing. I used to think baking would be a much bigger part of my life. Turns out I’m not a big fan of sugar. I found these adorable glass umbrella stir sticks that I got from Crate and Barrel, probably circa 2002. I pictured using them in a distinctive recipe, with a touch a mint, probably some strawberries, and a perfect sunny day. I hope the next owners who discover them at Goodwill will have more success in the usage implementation. On the other hand, the extra table and chairs I got from Target were used often, hosting dinners and gatherings that spilled out of my dining room into the extra space created. The mismatched wood from the two tables wasn’t elegant, but the conversations and friendships it enabled was nothing short of beautiful. I hope the next owners will find as much joy in a table and chairs as I have.

One week to go! I have quite the list of things still to do, but I have always had a gifted capacity for magical thinking when it comes to time. This is why I often run late (but my remorse at making you wait is always genuine!!). So a day or two out I may be in full panic mode, but right now I’m feeling pretty good. One week to go!