I’m here at the Madrid airport, waiting for my flight home. It’s been 14 months since I left the U.S. What an incredible adventure!
I’m a jumble of feelings right now. I’m excited to see family and friends and relax in the ease of familiar stability. I’m sorry to leave this life of learning and teaching and meeting new people in amazing new places. My brain is full, trying to find the right boxes and labels for everything. I might just leave most of my thoughts and feelings in a giant mental heap on the floor to sort through later.
My plan is to spend the next few months writing about my travels, so the blog posts and pictures will keep coming! I’ve also had requests to share about the trip – and I’d love to! If you have a group interested in hearing about a crazy year-long solo volunteer journey through Asia and Africa, and lessons, observations, blunders, and miracles along the way, please let me know!
Today is both an end and a beginning, and also just a point in the middle of life’s journey. Thanks for being a part of it. Look forward to seeing everyone soon! ❤️